Rurally based careers and positive mental health

Our office HQ is in north Herefordshire, in the west of England, with one of the lowest population densities in England.

And there are boundless attractive features. With the opportunity to walk through meadows and fields, reach the summit of a local hill or hill fort, or take in the views that stretch for miles in every direction is never something we take for granted, and lockdown’s proved that more than ever.

Just to walk out the door, look up and see the gaping sky, hear bird song, witness trees and plants all around us emerging into flower does something for the soul.

Our team has had the privilege of being surrounded by nature over the course of the perilous year that was 2020. But that’s not to say it’s been easy on our mental health; just like the rest of the country there have been some challenges.

Many our team have only been part of a workplace environment for five years or less; they are new to their career and have missed out on some of the experiences offered from physically working alongside colleagues; the impromptu conversations, social chat and countless learning opportunities that come with a busy agency environment.

But the chance to escape into the great outdoors while home working, even for a short break, has been an enviable respite.

Source: www.Agricultural

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